Panoramica dei prodotti - Micronas GmbH
Product Overview: Find an overview of all products and product groups of the company Micronas GmbH
Direct Product Overview
Hall-Effect Sensors
- Hall Switches
- Linear Hall Sensors
- HAL 81x Programmable Linear Hall-Effect Sensors
- HAL 82x High-Precision Programmable Hall-Effect Sensors
- HAL 85x Programmable Hall-Effect Sensors with Arbitrary Output
- HAL 880 Programmable Linear Hall-Effect Sensor
- HAL 1820 Programmable Linear Hall-Effect Sensor
- HAL 1821...HAL1823 Linear Hall-Effect Sensor Family
- HAL 2810 Linear Hall-Effect Sensor with LIN Bus
- HAL 283x Linear Hall-Effect Sensors with SENT Interface
- HAL 2850 Linear Hall-Effect Sensor with PWM Output
- HAL 28xy Linear Hall-Effect Sensor Family with Digital Interfaces
- HAL 3625 Programmable Direct Angle Sensor
- HAL 401 Linear Hall-Effect Sensor IC
- Current Measurement
- Gas Sensing