Fabbricante | Stati Uniti: Since 1977, Dexter Research has been the preferred provider of infrared thermopile detectors for science and industry. Today we offer the world’s largest selection of thermopile-based solutions including high-quality,...
Fabbricante, Distribuzione | Regno Unito: Euro-Gas Management Services Ltd is trusted globally for gas sensing and gas detection solutions. Product ranges include an extensive selection of premium gas sensors and precalibrated circuitry, gas...
Fabbricante | Svizzera: La Huba Control, sviluppa, produce e commercializza componenti per misurare la Pressione. Sono compresi pressostati (elementi di commutazione on / off), trasduttori e trasmettitori di pressione (sensori con...
Fabbricante | Germania: The Dresden-based company InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik is a specialist for products and services in the field of infrared technology. The privately held company was founded in 1991. Today, it is a fully...
Fabbricante | Regno Unito: OEM Gas Sensors with state-of-the-art sensing technology. ION Science manufacture and supply more photoionisation detection (PID) sensors than any other company in the world. With our PID sensor technology trusted by...
Fabbricante | Germania: We develop and produce application and customer specific multi-gas sensor modules in volume for customers with the need for tailor-made modules in highly regulated areas. With our single gas sensor modules, we measure gases...
Fabbricante | Germania: MSR-Electronic offers fixed gas warning systems for reliable gas monitoring, leakage detection and analysis: sensors, controllers and warning devices. Whether for the compliance with the MAC values or for leakage...
Fabbricante | Italia: PCE Instruments, creata nel 1999 da ingegneri tedeschi, produce e distribuisce strumenti di misura, di regolazione e controllo, di laboratorio e bilance per un’ampia gamma di applicazioni. Pur vendendo molti strumenti con...
Fabbricante | Germania: SICK is one of the world’s leading producers of sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications. Founded in 1946 by Dr.-Ing. h. c. Erwin Sick, the company with headquarters in Waldkirch/Germany ranks among...
Fabbricante | Singapore: T-SMART Vision is making thermal detection a new cognitive solution, why do we say this? Simply put, Our society has been increasingly aware, relying on thermal detection technology which has increasingly been used in a...