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Tutti i fabbricanti e fornitori di sensori e sistemi di misura utilizzando la tecnologia di sensori / principio di misura: Infrarosso

Leuze electronic GmbH+Co. KG

Leuze electronic GmbH+Co. KG

Fabbricante | Germania: For 60 years, with curiosity and determination, the Sensor People from Leuze have been creating innovations and technological milestones in industrial automation. They are driven by the success of their customers....

Leuze electronic S.r.l.

Leuze electronic S.r.l.

Fabbricante | Italia: For 60 years, with curiosity and determination, the Sensor People from Leuze have been creating innovations and technological milestones in industrial automation. They are driven by the success of their customers. Yesterday....

m-u-t GmbH

m-u-t GmbH

Fabbricante | Germania: We develop and produce application and customer specific multi-gas sensor modules in volume for customers with the need for tailor-made modules in highly regulated areas. With our single gas sensor modules, we measure gases...



Fabbricante | Belgio: Melexis Microelectronic Integrated Systems progetta, sviluppa, prova e commercializza dispositivi semiconduttori integrati di tipo avanzato. Per oltre un decennio, i nostri clienti nel settore dell’elettronica per auto ci...

Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik GmbH & Co KG

Micro-Epsilon Messtechnik GmbH & Co KG

Fabbricante | Germania: Da 40 l’azienda Micro-Epsilon risolve i compiti più difficili per la misurazione di percorsi, distanze, posizioni e temperature. Offre la gamma più vasta di sensori, sistemi e impianti di collaudo a livello europeo ed...

Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH

Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH

Fabbricante | Germania: MICRO-HYBRID Electronic GmbH is a leading medium-sized company providing sophisticated customized electronics solutions. We have been developing and manufacturing innovative electronics for over 30 years. Our customers...



Fabbricante | Francia: In the market since 1971 – we offer high-quality optical fibre sensors and probes. Users of rotating machines, turbines and turbo engines around the world appreciate our accurate sensors for high-speed measurement. At the...

Optris GmbH

Optris GmbH

Fabbricante | Germania: Technology company Optris GmbH has developed into one of the leading and most innovate companies in the area of non contact temperature measurement through infrared radiation. Our product portfolio covers portable...

PCE Italia s.r.l.

PCE Italia s.r.l.

Fabbricante | Italia: PCE Instruments, creata nel 1999 da ingegneri tedeschi, produce e distribuisce strumenti di misura, di regolazione e controllo, di laboratorio e bilance per un’ampia gamma di applicazioni. Pur vendendo molti strumenti con...

Pilz GmbH & Co. KG

Pilz GmbH & Co. KG

Fabbricante | Germania: Pilz è un'azienda leader nello sviluppo di soluzioni innovative nella tecnica di automazione. In qualità di esperti per la sicurezza di uomini, macchine e ambiente, Pilz propone soluzioni per ogni settore...

Polytec GmbH

Polytec GmbH

Fabbricante | Germania: I sensori ottici e i sistemi di misurazione ottica di Polytec consentono all'industria e alla ricerca di misurare le vibrazioni e l'acustica, di controllare la lunghezza e la velocità nei processi produttivi o di...

Pulsotronic GmbH & Co.KG

Pulsotronic GmbH & Co.KG

Fabbricante | Germania: Pulsotronic Sensorik, a subsidiary company of SKS Holding GmbH, is a worldwide active supplier of sensor technology and electric components for automation and automotive. The SKS Holding GmbH, which is situated in the...

Smartec bv

Smartec bv

Fabbricante | Paesi Bassi: Smartec bv is specialised in high quality, competitive sensors in the field of temperature, humidity, infrared and pressure. Our digital temperature sensor can directly be connected to a standard microcontroller input....



Fabbricante | Germania: Since its foundation in 1990, SMT ELEKTRONIK has been developing into a leading EMS service provider in Germany. Today, the more than 140 employees of the family-managed company produce, on modern lines, high-quality...



Fabbricante | Singapore: T-SMART Vision is making thermal detection a new cognitive solution, why do we say this? Simply put, Our society has been increasingly aware, relying on thermal detection technology which has increasingly been used in a...

Texys International

Texys International

Fabbricante | Francia: Texys International produces and delivers to the Racing World and Car Manufacturer Test Departments a variety of sensors dedicated to understand and improve performance. Our sensors are used worldwide in racing series like...

Variohm Eurosensor Ltd

Variohm Eurosensor Ltd

Fabbricante, Distribuzione | Germania: Variohm Eurosensor offers a wide range of sensors for Position, Inclination, Temperature, Pressure, Force and Instrumentation as well as foot switches and hand controllers ...

Variohm Holdings

Variohm Holdings

Distribuzione | Regno Unito: For over 30 years Variohm Holdings have specialised in the supply of sensors for all industries. During the past few years there have been significant changes to our product range. Our aim is to offer the solution for...

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